Need some help?

PLEASE NOTE: For animal control regarding strayssuspected neglectsickinjured or aggressive animals, please contact Mobile  311 : City of Mobile , call 251-208-2800 or email

If you need other help and reside within the Mobile city limits, please email or click the button below to email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

DISCLAIMER: The FOMAS mission is to support the City of Mobile Animal Shelter and City residents, so the person requesting help must reside in the city limits.


 Cat - Spay or Neuter Assistance

In an effort to reduce the overpopulation of cats, spaying or neutering as many as possible is a necessity. We can work with you to spay/neuter cats in our community at a local vet clinic for a small copay. DISCLAIMER: The cat/owner must reside in the City of Mobile. Please fill out the short form below to receive some help and we will be in touch. Failure to keep your appointment without notice will result in forfeiture of your copay. Copay MUST be received 2 business days before surgery.

Dog- Spay or Neuter Assistance

In an effort to reduce the overpopulation of dogs, spaying or neutering as many as possible is a necessity. We can help you fix your dog(s) at a local vet clinic for a small copay

DISCLAIMER: The dog/owner must reside in the City of Mobile. Please fill out the short form below to receive some help and we will be in touch. Failure to keep your appointment without notice will result in forfeiture of your copay. Copay MUST be received 2 business days before surgery.


Lost or found pet? Visit Petco Love Lost. A free national database that uses unique facial recognition software to help match your lost or found pet to pets listed by shelters and others. Upload a picture of your pet to help match missing and found pets.

Plan ahead! Upload a photo of your pet NOW, so that if it ever goes missing, it may be quickly matched to found pets in your area!


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